3 August 2014

I hate it when I find a new — and very easy — solution to a problem.  I’ve only recently discovered the parameter -ExecutionPolicy to the powershell.exe application and the value “Bypass.”  It allows you to, you guessed it, bypass whatever execution policy is set even if it’s restricted.  Non-admins can use it too… which […]

20 April 2014

Some time ago I posted a script to remotely enable WinRM on a machine.  I have to admit it was fairly kludgy in that it had a lot of moving parts that had to execute just right.  Registry edits to turn on features, create listener config, modify firewall rules, and then cmdlets to remotely stop […]

16 April 2014

I can’t believe it’s already been over 2 years since I started this blog and I still don’t post nearly as often as I’d like.  I wish I could have something useful to post every week but, alas, I do not.  I’m not even sure how much my blog gets seen (by real people) let […]

16 April 2014

Had a need to write a re-usable function at work to compare version numbers so that an action could be taken accordingly.  It’s pretty simple but thought I’d share it anyway. Function verCompare($ver1, $ver2) { # returns whether ver1 is Less, Greater, or Equal to ver2 $ver1Array = $ver1.Split(“.”) $ver2Array = $ver2.Split(“.”) # Decide which […]

3 February 2014

As part of my slow-moving efforts within my company to get WinRM enabled across the enterprise (14,000 computers…) I’ve had to do a bit of testing to make sure I can properly secure it.  Much of that testing is around setting the execution level and making sure nothing outside of what I or my team […]

23 January 2014

A little while ago I had a dilemma brought to me at work from an application team.  One of the tings we have fought using the Dragon Naturally Speaking application is the loss of data or profile corruption due to the application not being properly shut down. The solution provided to us by a third […]

2 March 2013

EDIT:  This is my old, kludgey way of doing it.  Please see this new post:  Remotely Enabling WinRM – Improved! ********************* This post is going to build off of the technique I used in my previous post.  My company only recently deployed Powershell to all of our XP devices.  But neither the XP nor Windows […]

28 February 2013

I searched far and wide over the internet looking for an easy way to elevate powershell in a script whenever I needed to.  The only solutions I ever found were practically a full page of code to look at this, and check that, then do this, jump through this hoop so it could do that… […]

21 January 2013

A couple of days after I made my last post I realized that, for that specific purpose, I could have just dynamically created hashtables as the values of each array.  It would look like this pseudo-code: $array = @() $array += @{ DriveLetter = $object.DriveLetter TotalSpace = $object.Size FreeSpace = $object.FreeSpace } Just remember to […]

4 January 2013

I was building a more involved function the past couple of days for gathering data from a PC in the enterprise should troubleshooting be necessary.  The type of company I work for doesn’t always allow us to stay on the PC and troubleshoot an item (unless it’s a total blocker) so being able to gather […]


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