A couple of days after I made my last post I realized that, for that specific purpose, I could have just dynamically created hashtables as the values of each array. It would look like this pseudo-code:
$array = @() $array += @{ DriveLetter = $object.DriveLetter TotalSpace = $object.Size FreeSpace = $object.FreeSpace }
Just remember to first declare the array variable as an array or you’ll get errors. Then as I enumerate through each returned object it’s as simple as:
ForEach ($disk in $array) { write-host "Drive: $disk.DriveLetter has $disk.FreeSpace free space out of a total of $disk.TotalSpace" }
Or whatever I wanted to do with it. Now that I think about it, creating a specific name for each variable isn’t necessary and I can’t think of any scenarios where I really need to do that. I guess it could happen, though, so I’ll leave my previous post up.
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